

昨夜、高速道路の料金支払いシステムのToll のHPへやっと Log in できた。ちゃんと登録されているので大丈夫だと勝手に思った。昼食hはキャベツ入り日清。昨日のうちに、どこか近くに行くところがないか、マップで調べていた。以前、Lに釣りに連れてってもらった先に、Fisherman Island があり、島になっている。フィッシャーマンというのが気になり、漁師でも住んでいるのかなとも思っていた。所要時間も40分強なので、行ってみることにした。
Last night I searched some interesting where near here at Google Map. Mr,Lawrence brought me to fishing. It was near the airfield and there was an island called Fisherman Island ahead. I felt the place there Fisherman Island is very interesting. Because the name Fisherman Island was a name reminiscent of a fisherman. I did not find anything on the map, but I decided to go out. It’s takes 42minus by the car. It seemed just right distance. There was Norfolk Point near there. Norfolk Point seemed yo be very scenic. I took my car and headed for Fisherman Island. That way was a bit felt for me. As I got closer to Fisherman Island, a lot of cars gradually decreased and the car ceased to exist. Instead, only large containers and crane eyes were visible and nothing were found. That was a very big crane warehouse. So I wondered what the name of fisherman Island was. It might be a long time ago. This is Port of Brisbane which is quite deep because tankers are attached. I went around the road without anyone and went to the next place. Norfolk Point went to a place immediately there. There were a lot of people and The market was open.  and The breakwater extended to the sea and it was supposed to be able to walk there. I also walked and went to the end. From there I saw the Fisherman Island, the sea, the yacht and the bouts. It was a very beautiful view.
てな訳で、行ってきました。やはりゴールドコーストやサンシャインコーストとは比べ物にならない。帰りに海辺にプールがあった Wynnum Wading Pool というようだLine。プールはみんな無料なのかな。夕食は前日のスパゲティの残りにはちみつを足して、キャベツの千切り付き。一休みして、片付けていると、変な音がした。何かと思いきや、アイフォンがなっていた、Lからのメッセージだった。いきなりだったから、The all is OK だけだった。水曜日に帰るそうだ。また賑やかになる。英文はノウチェック チェックしてまた。それでは ごきげんよう