


I received this news. I returned the mountain as soon as possible. There were a lot of professional firemen and fire brigades to extinguish fire. But the flying spark was too fast. So we couldn’t extinguish a fire. The captain of a fireman asked me “May I call Nagano Prefecture office to ask for helicopter support ?” I told him “Yes”. Then the helicopter came, it drops a lot of water on the fire. It was repeated many times and it seemed to disappear soon. If it has done more twice or three times, The fire would be disappear completely. But the helicopter returned to Matsumoto to get fuel. It takes 25 minutes to back here. Meantime a small hill got burned. And the fire began to spread further to the top of the mountain. The captain asked me “We need more helicopters. I will call another Prefecture office for helicopter support. OK?”. I sad “Sure”. Four helicopters came soon. and Nagano Prefecture’s helicopter came back. A total of five helicopters hit the spot where the fire was. And the fire brigade of the neighboring town run up too. The sound of a helicopter and a fire siren were ringing in the mountain. There was a gift shop in here. The fire approached it. But the fire was stopped at the last minute. When the fire cured, Two helicopters of the SDF came over. And the forest fire was completely extinguished.

てなわけで、明日は時々雨の予報だが、晴れたら Sunshin Coast へ行ってみるか。それではごきげんよう