

2/26, Monday, Day 38. It’s s a sunny day, today. so, I ‘ll going to go to the Brisbane Lookout, Mt Coot-tha, It's a hill, and we can see all of Brisbane.
So, after the lunch I started, About 40 minutes later, I got there.
I searched parking and got off the my car. I went up the stairs to top. There were many people, also, a lot of Chines. Now, We go anywhere, we can find Chines easily.
The top of Brisbane Lookout was the great site. and I looked around the Brisbane. There were Brisbane's city, Brisbane's river, and for a way . I took the pictures. It looks like the Park Tateishi in Suwa city, After several ten times, I went to the Planetarium and the Botanical garden near there. There were few people. So, I saw only the appearance. And I went back to home.
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